Turns out, a tragic national crisis is a big story. This week, in Anthrax, Part 2, Lynne will detail the reasons why anthrax is a major bioterrorism concern and then will get through the events of the first month of the attacks in fall 2001. Next week – the story continues.
Anthrax: a continuing concern in the era of bioterrorism by Stefan Riedel
How To Weaponize Anthrax? By Ufuk Dizer, Levent Kenar, Mesut Ortatatli, and Turan Karayilanoglu
Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases via the CDC
Biological Weapons Convention via the United Nations
Administering the Anthrax Vaccine via the CDC
Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation via the FBI
Anthrax In America: A Chronology and Analysis of the Fall 2001 Attacks via the Center for Counterproliferation Research (CCR)
Anthrax: In a Time of Terror via the Smithsonian National Postal Museum
How it Really Happened Season 8 Episode 3 via Max
Anthrax Weaponization via Wikipedia
2001 Anthrax Attacks via Wikipedia
Death of Robert Stevens via Wikipedia
Mary Morris talking about her late husband Thomas Morris Jr. via Story Corps
The Anthrax Mail Attack: Postal Workers on the Front Line by Nancy Pope
A Nation Challenged: The Victim; Postal Worker Felled by Anthrax Is Remembered by Elizabeth Becker
Neighbors mourn postal worker via CNN
Short Audio Clip: Mr. Monk and the Leper: Season 5, Episode 10; Mr. Monk speaking (Tony Shalhoub)
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